Now available to my Patreon Patrons. We are tending to the Vulnerable Soul. We are protecting the Vulnerable Soul. Life in all its Ass-Kicking. Artist-Kicking. GLORY. Is forcing me to really Understand the FEROCIOUS NECESSITY of ARTISTS. And the necessity of Staying True to My Artistry. EVERY ARTIST NEEDS TO FEEL THAT. That's not EGO. That's HEALTH. I have to Believe in my Artistry. Because it's Either Believe In It. Or Die. Or Become a Delivery Person. And yes, I've been really upset with how misunderstood Artists are by Systems. And how that leads to the Artists' Demise. The Demise of our Light. I have so much Compassion for Artists who end up taking their lives -- I don't think it's selfish, and I understand the pain so wholeheartedly. Because while it is a mental health issue, it is also systemic. And the more I write about it, the more it is is out of my system and it is for other people to hold. Because my body is not meant to hold it alone. No Body's BODY is meant to hold it alone. Shovels is now joining this Movement. And will be giving out Journal Prompts on my Patreon. More than your praise, artists need your actual support. It's how you can show up for us. Because being an Artist in Society in the midst A.I. is fucking terrifying. And we are Warriors. And being an Independent Artist is a Liberation Tool. A Vulnerability Tool. ARTISTS ARE AWESOME TO BE AROUND. WE ARE CRYSTAL BALLS. HAVE YOU EVER HAD NIGHTS OUT WITH ARTISTS!?!? MEMORABLE AF. There's a reason why. That Freedom within us that we spread out to people exists because it COSTS US SOMETHING TO PRACTICE WITHIN OURSELVES. My Sacred Corner is just that: SACRED. It is miracle work every time we have a positive charge within us. The public-facing version of us is just that: the public-facing version of us. The Actor in me wants to hide away and only show you: SHINY! The Performance Artist in me however wants to know what do we do with Artists when they are Unwell. Because even some of Our Most Successful Artists are Cast Aside by Society, and Pay A Price For It. I LOVE HOW CHAOTIC HALLE BERRY IS. Go Through Your Memory Palace of Famous Artists off the Top of Your Head, and Try and Tell Me They Didn't Go Through Some Stage of Rehab or ALMOST Rehab. Society doesn't know how to take care of Artists. We have to take care of Artists. WE. As in YOU. And I, will take care of your vulnerability in Return. That's what I am here for: THE MESS. Now let's take for Example: Halle Berry and how she won a Razzie and an Academy Award within three years of each other. Performance Art belongs everywhere and she turned her Razzie Speech into one. It's Chaotic. It's Awkward. It's a MESS. And the First Journal Prompt From Shovels is Given On Patreon: My Sacred Corner. I tend to the Underground so people can thrive. You can Join My Sacred Space on Patreon or be Guided by Your Dope North Star.
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Diana Oh "Zaza D"
This is a Space Where I Save My Own Damn Life (and maybe even someone else's). All Parts are Welcome, bb. ArchivesCategories |